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La Perrunilla

Written By MrVlz on Sunday, March 5, 2017 | 12:18:00 AM

La Perrunilla dessert recipe
La Perrunilla - Dessert Recipe

The perrunilla is a typical pasta of Extremadura, its flavor is delicious, they are quite easy to elaborate. Follow the recipe step by step and you will see that you are well, you can keep them for a long time; Although 45 you seem many do not believe it, they eat very well in breakfasts and snacks and because not, as snack at any time of day.

Ingredients for 45 perrunillas
  • 700 cl. Of oil, better of olive, but also you can do them with other types of oil.
  • 1 kilogram of flour.
  • 3 large spoons of ground aniseed.
  • 2 eggs.
  • 350 grams of sugar.

Prepare a fairly large container, you can use a clean plastic bowl.

Prepare a small new brush, like the ones that can be used to dye your hair. 

The anises have to be well ground, if you do not find them you can do the following, put the normal anises in the mixer and they will be very fine.

Put the oil, sugar, (reserve 50 grams for the end), the ground anise, a whole egg and the yolk of the other, (reserve the egg white in a cup in the refrigerator), mix everything well. 

Go adding the flour, and do not stop moving until you get a mass more or less solid, you will have to use the hands to knead.
When you have made the dough, you have to let it stand in cold for at least 12 hours.

Prepare the oven at a temperature of 150º 

Go forming balls with the dough the size of a meatball. Once you have the ball formed, apply it with the brush a little, that you have a thickness of one finger approximately.

Go put them in the tray of the oven, the amount that you fit, usually not more than 9, better that they are loose.

Beat the clear that we have reserved and with the brush cover the top. 

Finally add a little sugar in the center of each perrunilla.
Put in the oven for five minutes, observe how they are done, especially in the first batch.

If your oven has gratin it is better that you put them five minutes with the fire below and another five in the top, they will do perfectly on both sides.

They have to be golden brown. When you remove them from the oven let them cool, once cooled with the aid of a spatula, see placing them in the place that you have destined for them.

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